Physical Activity terms and conditions


At Soar (a trading name of Strength and Conditioning Academy Ltd), we like to keep things simple an easy to understand.  We want you to read them and understand both yours and our obligations. By confirming your agreement to our physical activity terms and conditions, verbally or written, you are agreeing to abide by our terms and conditions. Physical activity , for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions relates to the testing, planning, programming, and coaching of physical exercise online through digital mediums or in person. The use of the Strength and Conditioning Academy website and online facilities, tools, services, or information is bound by its own terms and conditions and privacy policy.  Both of these extend to the digital platforms used to provide remote coaching services to you, including but not limited to the intellectual property and acceptable use and prohibited use.

Your right to cancel

  1. For all unpaid services or products, you can cancel immediately without prejudice.

Provision of service

  1. You understand that the physical preparation programme received is provided for the purpose of exercise instruction and guidance. You further understand that Liberating Brilliance Limited, its trainers, staff, and affiliates are not qualified to perform, diagnose, prescribe, or treat any physical or mental illness. Nothing said in the course of in person or remote coaching session(s) or through any form of communications between sessions given should be considered as such.

  2. You agree to see a physician or other qualified medical specialist for any concerns including mental or physical ailment that the client is aware of. You affirm they have stated all known health and medical conditions and answered all questions honestly. You agree to keep the trainer updated as to any changes with their medical profile. You understand that there shall not be any liability on Liberating Brilliance, its trainers, staff, and affiliates should the client forget to do so. You understand that they have enrolled in a personal programme of physical preparation offered through Liberating Brilliance.

  3. You recognise that the program may involve strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, strength and endurance training, cardiovascular conditioning and training, and other various fitness activities. You herby affirms they are in good physical condition and do not suffer from any know disability or condition which would prevent or limit the client’s participation in this physical preparation programme.

  4. You acknowledge that the enrolment and subsequent participation in purely voluntary and in no way mandated by Liberating Brilliance, its trainers, staff, and affiliates. In consideration of your participation in the programme, you hereby release Liberating Brilliance, its trainers, staff, and affiliates from any claims, demands, and causes of action as a result of my voluntary participation and enrolment of the remote coaching services. You fully understand that injuries may occur as a result of your enrolment and subsequent participation in remote coaching services.

Soar details

  1. Soar is a trading name Strength and Conditioning Academy, and is a limited liability company incorporated in England and Wales. No. 13210819.  The registered address is Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX and it operates the Website www.StrengthConditioning.Academy, its sub-domains, and Soar online facilities, tools, services, and information.

  2. You can contact Soar by email at Admin@StrengthConditioning.Academy or using the postal address above in point 1.